Why is it so easy to sell ourselves short? So easy to settle for a lot less than what we know we should be getting? There comes a time when we have to let go of the BS, the chaos, the headache & heartbreak. For example, you meet someone and end up hanging out with them for the next 3 days. You go back to your normal lives and they tell you we need to talk. Turns out, they have a live-in partner. Now for you, you're probably thinking, how the hell does this slip your mind? As you're listening to the rest, you see some good in the situation. You're already comfortable (sorta) and you don't feel like starting over. They're cool to talk to and fun to hang it with so you try to rationalize and justify not burning the bridge. Why? Are there no other cool, fun people to hang out with? They express their growing feelings but also make it clear that they are in a serious situation and don't want to step on toes. Who's toes are we speaking of because clearly, it isn't mine and I'm sure that I should be caring about ME and how EYE feel about things.
For whatever reason, you continue. You meet up, have some drinks and before you know it, you're back at their place. How strange is this? We're only here because your live-in is currently out of town. How is it so comfortable for you to have someone else laying in their spot? Who would one be comfortable laying in their spot? How are you so comfortable answering the phone and lying while there's someone else next to you? So many questions that wont be answered any time soon. You repeat this a few times and the its back to normal. You text and speak at random times of the day but not after business hours since WE should be "respecting" the other part of the situation. Now you have to work around a schedule you don't even give a fuck about mainly because you like the convo and outings with this person and you aren't sure you're ready to give it up. Why? It's not like you can paint the town every week since you live in the same area. How long do you think it will take for that to hit the fan? Before people really get hurt?
Slowly, you drift away from it all. A light went off in your head that you deserve more. You deserve to be courted, wined and dined. You deserve calls and texts throughout the day and night. You should have someone to call your own. Why would you want to continue with someone who so nonchalantly disregards their long-term situation? Not to say you aren't worth getting to know but it should be on your terms. It should make you smile in the morning not hope that you'll get a few minutes of their double life.
I say that to say, don't waste time with space fillers because you're bored. Not much usually comes from it. I'm sure there are other things to do other than discount your greatness. You entertaining foolishness and dead ends is possibly whats putting a damper on the fire that's trying to spark elsewhere. Being alone to figure things out isn't a bad thing. So instead of phonebook flipping and juggling 5 conversations, focus on yourself or the one you truly want. Trust me, you'll miss out on more by wasting time.